Gaming Rules
- Participation is reserved to one representative of media groups in Mauritius
- Goal Rush Pool games data are used in this competition
- Goal Rush fixtures shall be send to participants via e-mail at least one week in advance before game closure date.
- Participants to send their predictions : 8 matches out of the 35 matches in the fixture list and their 1 banker to : [email protected] , before the deadline set
- Predictions received after deadline will not be considered
- Predictions of participants shall be published on Lottotech Facebook page, website and e-magazine
- Ranking tables shall be published on a weekly basis on Lottotech Facebook page, website and e-magazine
- Competition shall start on 17 September 2022 and end of EPL
- Participants who have cumulated the most points for the period of the competition, shall be declared the winner.
- Points are allocated as follows:
- Each correct predictions where both team have scored earns: 1 points
- The match predicted as ‘Banker’, if both team has scored earns: 5 points
- Tie Breaker: In the event where 2 or more participants have accumulate the same amount of points at the end of the season, the participants having the most number of correct bankers shall win. In the event where the number of correct bankers cannot determine the winner, the prize shall be shared amongst the participants.